Our Fairytale

Just 3 everyday princesses looking for a fairytale...even if it involves a lil stalking...

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Why those 'not-so-random' random pics may just cost you: When the Stalking becomes the Stalked by @Smurfett_Li

Aw oh, how'd that get on there??
So how do you find out something you wanna know about someone WITHOUT actually asking them? A lil online stalking? Or maybe just send a friend request on our beloved fb.

Facebook's proven to be the best 'private' storyline of ANYONE's life.  It shows you who you dealing, what people think of them, who they think they are, and more importantly WHAT they WANT others to see them as...

ONG! Did you see that??
So is it best friends finding out things they never knew, or is it maybe others just realizing a whole new side to you? Are we really who we are on Facebook, or is it all just one big masquerade ball to make ourselves seem cooler (if people are still using that word? I'm a 90s child remember, we used it a lot)?

A lot of people blame social networks whenever things go... (uhm trying not to swear here)... Let's say astray. But truth is, the social networks don't break up relationships, expose secrets, and kill friendships. The things YOU post, or allow others to post/tag/mention you on do!

It could be anything from making a new "bestie", to flaunting what an active social life you have, to uploading pics that no one except you and your bf/gf should be seeing.

Let's face it, by you doing those things (that aim to show how fun, spontaneous or adventurous you may be), you just end up making yourself look like a bored, desperate, lonely person who has a need to show everyone how cool (again with that word #PardonMe) your life is.

I mean c'mon, if you were really having "sooo much fun" or enjoying how "totes awesome that place was", would you really have time to take all those pics??

A snap here and there, yeah sure why not! I mean you gotta have a few pics to reminisce on a few days later, but uploading 30 odd pics of you guys at Wakaberry...seriously??

So many pics, so little time *sigh*
Everyone wants to have fun and not care what anyone thinks BUT when it comes to sharing the intimacy levels between you and your bf/gf, there IS a line...

No one wants to see what you and your partner have been up to in your alone time (if our generation even knows what that is). For example, the love bites that look like he's been attacked somewhere out in the wilderness by a stray dog (let's call him dingo), or how "in love" you guys are. I mean if you really so in love, tell the person personally instead of filling up people's news feeds with back-and-forth "I love you"'s.
Because when you fight, the whole of Facebook is gonna see that too.

So in the end, I guess I will never really will know ALL sides of a person...well not from fb at least.

Till then I'll continue to (Silently) judge their silly profile pics, and laugh at their "random" uploads (that look so practiced) .

Just a parting shot of advice: remember that what you have done on Facebook may have been done in the moment. But we live in a world where people are too busy to get to know the real you and often you are judged on your first impression (which in this case is a Facebook or twitter profile- any online presence really).
GUYS! u gotta come see this!

As a rule of thumb, if you wouldn't show your mother, don't put it on Facebook. Just think that "not so random album" may just cost you a kick ass job opportunity in the near future.  

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