Our Fairytale

Just 3 everyday princesses looking for a fairytale...even if it involves a lil stalking...

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Our Best (Un)Dressed List by @Jackey_101

You heard it here 1st! A new suit! #ThumbsUp
So after stalking one of our favourite subjects on twitter i.e. @LeClos_Swim we came across a pic of him without his grey suit on!! (Don't get to excited Le Clos fans he did have clothes on! Cue thousands of girls crying!).  He had on a black suit!  Yes, you have heard it here first!

Chad Le Clos attended a function without that grey untailored suit! Opting rather for a classic black tailored suit! We give you a #ThumbsUp! Absolutely! LOVED you in it!  Which got us thinking, if Le Clos would make our top 10 list of best dressed SA sporting heroes, which other stars would make our list?

 Yes, we have gone all fashion police on our stalking victims (so watch out!)

So here's our list according to us:

#1 Chad le clos! He makes our list since he exchanged the grey suit (we were getting a lil bored)! Now, he looks oh so fine! Even myself and @CarrieKups agree...

AND that's where our list ends!  Unfortunately (or rather fortunately), due to Google’s inefficiency (they had no pic of our sports stars in clothes), we have had to change the list to best UNDRESSED sports stars!

Hougaard...we demand a change in rugby uniforms! Skins only
Now, come on ladies don't act like you were really interested in which star is the best dressed...

#2 - Francois Hougaard! (@Francoishougi)  If you asking yourself why please look at the pic of him!!

He's racing into my heart! Keegan Daniel

#3 - Keegan Daniel ( number 3 on the list, second on my husband list) Represent the Sharks, babe!
#4 - Francois Steyn: This is the reason I fell in love with rugby back in grade 11!
Morne Steyn
#5 - Morne Steyn: So even though he can't kick to save his life (or win the boks a game!) Look like this and we forgive you.  This kinda makes up for him missing so often!

# 6 – A.B. deVilliers, now I'm not a cricket lover but I will watch a game for him!
#7 - @WiehahnHerbst ...Ahh 7th Heaven

Yum! Oscar 'SEXY' Pistorius
#8 – Oscar Pistorius: If you catch this guy, ladies don't let him run away from you!
Run Lambie, Run (into my arms)
#9 – Pat Lambie (Okay I love my sharks so I am a little biased, but who can blame me!)

With only one place left who would make it...

My man, Ross!

#10 – Ross Skeate – our very first #PrinceCharming of course!  What would a list be with out him on it!! That right hubby #1, I saved the best for last...

Let us know if you think we left any body of the list!! 

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